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East Side House Celebrates Black History Month!

ESH proudly celebrated Black History Month! Students and staff at Herbert H. Lehman High School held a Black Lives Matter Art Showcase on February 4th. There, our school community was able to gather (virtually) and express themselves through their art. Join us in celebrating and enjoying highlights from the event below!


In addition to the works of visual artists featured above, students submitted and presented poetry. Included below is a poem by 18-year-old Even Creque entitled “No Comparison.” When asked about his inspiration for the poem he explained, “My main inspiration behind this poem is the ongoing excellence, and brilliance, of black creatives worldwide…We have made history, and changed history, time and time again. That is why when I see the deaths of unarmed people such as Trayvon Martin, George Floyd, and Breonna Taylor, it enrages me down to my very core…Our constant achievements as a race have inspired me to believe that I can be something in this world, and change lives. As a young black man growing up in America, I strive to do all those things.”


No Comparison
By Evan Creque

People always to tell me “don’t judge a book by its cover”
Everyone has heard it from your elders to your Mother
It’s all fun and games until people rediscover:
The world is full of fighters, but never enough lovers.

We’ve been fighting for a chance to change what is true
To live in a world of hope, and not in a world of blue
The damage we receive is as if we’re falling through a crater
Couldn’t you tell we were fed up when they killed Breonna Taylor?

We have changed the world on every single occasion
For people to discredit us just feels like an invasion
An invasion by those who are jealous of our potential
Our power, our grace, and especially our credentials.

Black power, black races, black flowers, black traces
Black wives, black kids, black lives, short lived
We have ours names, we have no inference
You can’t stop us from making a true difference

I know what I said isn’t a big thrill
But I have given you the truth. Do what you will.


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